Failure Is Essential To Successful Ideas

Why Failure Is Essential To Successful Idea Development

Future Trends  The Envisionary
Future Trends   by The Envisionary

We so often focus on creating the perfect idea before releasing it, but this is a bad idea. Failure is essential to successful ideas. Here’s why.

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The only way to get your idea out of you and into the world is by being prepared to let it fail along the way. As you do you develop a strong tolerance to failure, even accept it as the norm, instead of just quitting, not even starting something because you didn’t know where to start, or because you were too worried about the outcome.

Why Failure Is Essential To Successful Idea Development

We often think ideas have to be immediately successful otherwise they are just a bad idea, but plenty of good ideas also fail, and it’s usually simply because they just didn’t hit the markets at the right place at the right time. There’s a whole load of logistics that go into seeing your idea hit that sweet spot between supply and demand, from competitive positioning to sheer luck.

You can minimize your failure range by being forward-thinking enough to predict what people would need, but if you want to be a successful entrepreneur then expect to fail a lot, but also embrace it.

If you can get yourself back up again then that is crucial, as you will get up each time your idea fails with more fuel and motivation, and more knowledge about what not to do. You will be getting one step closer to making your idea happen.

It might not be the original idea you had, likely it won’t be, but it will likely align with your intrinsic values. When you are in love with your vision, your project, when you love it and nurture it then others will see that vision and care too.

So, fail hard, but love hard too.

The Value Beneath The Idea Is More Important

Fail with each idea to refine and iterate it into something else that is even better, and keep loving the journey, good or bad, as when you have a valued goal you keep getting intrinsic value from it that will motivate you, whether you fail or succeed.

If you’ve ever had a real shitty day on a project, stuck, getting nowhere, feeling like time is being wasted, your idea is great in your mind but you just can’t figure out how to develop it. It feels easier to quit, and you become frustrated. You might go to be annoyed, but if your idea is a valued goal then you are sure to wake up the next day and push through it again.

With this kind of focus where you don’t just give up, but you develop deeper qualities that are hard to possess unless you have value and passion driving them underneath.

You will continue to seek to learn fast, make mistakes, learn again, and continuously challenge the status quo whilst you do. You won’t quit because your ideas are already out there, you will find a way to make it better because you’ve failed enough to know that it can be improved each time. You won’t quit because you worry what other people say because you know what you are creating has intrinsic value to you, and likely has extrinsic value to others, even if they can’t see it yet.

You will continue because deep down you know it’s the right and purposeful thing to do.

So, yes, failure is essential to idea development as you grow further each time you hit a challenge or stumbling block. If everything was plain-sailing you wouldn’t know what to do when a challenge arises. Fail enough times, and match that with a valued goal that motivates you, an adaptable quick learning mindset, and a desire to challenge the status quo, and you will find that your idea will find a way to success.