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  < Overcoming Blocks

How Modern Misguided Meditation Makes Anxiety Worse (& What To Do Instead)

Meditation, widely embraced for stress relief, can paradoxically magnify anxiety when misused as escapism. Practicing in anxiety-provoking situations, not comfortable zen settings, fosters authentic confrontation and release of fears.

crop person meditating in padmasana

  Overcoming Blocks

How Modern Misguided Meditation Makes Anxiety Worse (& What To Do Instead)

Meditation, widely embraced for stress relief, can paradoxically magnify anxiety when misused as escapism. Practicing in anxiety-provoking situations, not comfortable zen settings, fosters authentic confrontation and release of fears.

crop person meditating in padmasana

  < Envision Future Trends

What Is Social Impact? (4 Powerful Tips In How To Create Social Impact)

What is social impact and why is it in all of our best interests to build social impact into our life today? This guide to social impact tells all.

Create Social Impact Make A Difference

  Envision Future Trends

What Is Social Impact? (4 Powerful Tips In How To Create Social Impact)

What is social impact and why is it in all of our best interests to build social impact into our life today? This guide to social impact tells all.

Create Social Impact Make A Difference

  < Overcoming Blocks Other

Adult ADHD Guide To Getting Organised In A Distracting World (That Can Help Anyone)

Being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult doesn’t mean your life has to be out of your control. This adult ADHD guide may even uncover your unique strengths!


  Overcoming Blocks Other

Adult ADHD Guide To Getting Organised In A Distracting World (That Can Help Anyone)

Being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult doesn’t mean your life has to be out of your control. This adult ADHD guide may even uncover your unique strengths!


  < Adapt

7 Motivating Ways To Keep Your Writing Motivation When You Have No Readers

We may judge ourselves on our writing readership result rather than the process, only to lose writing motivation. Here are tips to get our motivation back.

7 Writing Motivation Tips


7 Motivating Ways To Keep Your Writing Motivation When You Have No Readers

We may judge ourselves on our writing readership result rather than the process, only to lose writing motivation. Here are tips to get our motivation back.

7 Writing Motivation Tips

  < Forward-Thinking Skills

3 Surefire Ways To Achieve More In Less Time (& With Less Energy)

There’s probably not a soul in the world who doesn’t want to achieve more in less time. What about double in half the time? These 3 tricks may make it possible!

Achieve More In Less Time

  Forward-Thinking Skills

3 Surefire Ways To Achieve More In Less Time (& With Less Energy)

There’s probably not a soul in the world who doesn’t want to achieve more in less time. What about double in half the time? These 3 tricks may make it possible!

Achieve More In Less Time

  < Forward-Thinking Skills

Why Group Brainstorming Sessions Fail (5 Unorthodox Methods To Fix Them)

We often think we can go into a meeting or brainstorming session and be effective, but creative group brainstorming doesn’t work this way. Here’s why.

5 Unorthodox Methods To Make Group Brainstorming Effective

  Forward-Thinking Skills

Why Group Brainstorming Sessions Fail (5 Unorthodox Methods To Fix Them)

We often think we can go into a meeting or brainstorming session and be effective, but creative group brainstorming doesn’t work this way. Here’s why.

5 Unorthodox Methods To Make Group Brainstorming Effective

  < Overcoming Blocks Other

How Writing Can Lead Towards Writers Block (Here’s Why & Writers Tips To Overcome It)

Writers block is something every writer has faced at some point. We see how writing and depression are linked, and what writers do to overcome the dark side of writing.

writing depression why creative

  Overcoming Blocks Other

How Writing Can Lead Towards Writers Block (Here’s Why & Writers Tips To Overcome It)

Writers block is something every writer has faced at some point. We see how writing and depression are linked, and what writers do to overcome the dark side of writing.

writing depression why creative